Laboratory 3

The aim of this laboratory session is to familiarize you with MATLAB's morphological operations erode and dilate .

Dilation and Erosion


Original image

Image thresheld at 130


The m file used to generate the below images can be downloaded here

Image Result
Structuring Element

BW1 = imerode(imdilate(BW, SE1),SE1)
imclose(BW, SE1)

SE1 = circularstruct(2)

BW2 = imdilate(imerode(BW, SE2),SE2)
imopen(BW, SE2)
SE2 = ones(3)

BW3 = imerode(imdilate(BW, SE3),SE3)
imclose(BW, SE3)
SE3 = ones(2, 5)

BW4 = imdilate(imerode(BW, SE4),SE4)
imopen(BW, SE4)
SE4 = eye(5) | rot90(eye(5))


BW5 = imopen(imclose(BW, SE1), SE1) BW6 = imclose(imopen(BW, SE1), SE1)


Locating Landmarks on a Multiple Choice Answer Sheet

Listing of locatelandmarks.m

% LOCATELANDMARKS - locates landmarks on SURF form
% Usage:  [tl, tr, bl, br] = locatelandmarks(im)
% Argument: im - Image to be processed, assumed binary.
% Returns:  tl, tr, bl, br
%              - Coordinates of the centroids of the top-left, top-right,
%                bottom-left and bottom-right landmarks respectively.  
%                These coordinates are returned as column vectors in the
%                form [row; col] for each landmark.
% The function should also display the image with the centroids of the 
% landmarks overlayed.
function [tl, tr, bl, br] = locatelandmarks(im)
    [rows,cols] = size(im);
    % initially define landmark coordinates to extremes
    tr=[rows;0   ];
    bl=[0   ;cols];
    br=[0   ;0   ];
    bw = ~im;
    % Note: 8 pixels is the minimum space between landmarks and adjacent blobs
    %       (TR landmark, surf10.png with a size of 1128x784 pixels)
    %       Hence SE is proportional to im size, scaled by 8/784
    a = 8/784; %scale factor
    SE = ones(a*rows, a*cols);
    % perform close-open morphology
    % Note: a close-open resulted in the landmarks having strighter sides
    %       compared to open-close 
    closeopen = imopen(imclose(bw,SE),SE);
    % Matrix with each pixel set to its x coordinate
    x = ones(rows,1)*[1:cols];
    % Matrix with each pixel set to its y coordinate
    y = [1:rows]'*ones(1,cols);
    % label all the blobs
    [L, num] = bwlabel(closeopen);
    % search the blobs to find centers, and then landmarks
    for i = 1:num
        img = L==i;
        area(i) = sum(sum(img));
        meanx = sum(sum(double(img).*x))/area(i);
        meany = sum(sum(double(img).*y))/area(i);
        % determine tl
        if tl(1)+tl(2) > meanx + meany
            tl = [meanx; meany];
            tlindex = i;
        % determine tr
        if tr(1)-tr(2) > meanx - meany
            tr = [meanx; meany];
            trindex = i;
        % determine br
        if br(1)+br(2) < meanx + meany
            br = [meanx; meany];
            brindex = i;
        % determine bl
        if bl(1)-bl(2) < meanx - meany
            bl = [meanx; meany];
            blindex = i;
    % test for upside down form
    % Note: tl > bl and tr > br for correctly orientated forms
    if area(tlindex) < area(blindex) && area(trindex) < area(brindex)
        'warning: upside down form'
    else imshow(im)
        landmarks = [tl, tr, br, bl];    
        plot(landmarks(1,:), landmarks(2,:),'+r','MarkerSize',50,'LineWidth',2);

Results of using locatelandmarks.m

Below tests the upsidedown detection


loacatelandmarks of surf11.jpg


Below tests different resolution forums

Original surf10.png After using locatelandmarks on original surf10.png

After using locatelandmarks on 66.67% surf10.png

After using locatelandmarks on 166.67% surf10.png

Notes: I have tested both upside down forms and scaled forms.
I have used a SE that ovbiously works for all the provided surf forms, and I have tried to account for arbitary forms. The thing where my code would fail is if there was a low quality scan, and the landmarks where not so defined.